Sermon Points: I. Pray in all circumstances (vs. 13) II. Pray together for sickness and sin (vs. 14-16a) III. The Efficacy of prayer (vs. 15b-18) IV. Restoration for the wandering…
Sermon Points: I. Patiently wait for His blessed coming (vs 7-8) II. Live in harmony with each other III. Remain steadfast through suffering IV. Keep your speech truthful   Listen…

Woe to the Wicked Rich

January 26, 2025
Thesis: Judgment is coming on the Wicked Rich I. Because they store up transient wealth II. Because they cheat their employees III. Because they Live in Luxurious Self-Indulgence IV. Because…
Sermon Points: I. The Source of Contentiousness II. The Implication of Worldliness III. The Remedy of Repentance   Listen on Spotify:
Sermon Points: Rejoice in the Lord by Seeking Christ at all costs... (1) By abandoning confidence in the flesh (2) To attain the resurrection from the dead   Listen on…

To Live is Christ

December 29, 2024
Thesis: Surrender your thinking about life and death to Christ (1) Because of the hope of the Gospel (2) For the progress and joy of the Gospel   Listen on…

The Wedding Wine

December 22, 2024
Sermon Points: I. The Culmination of Jesus' First Week: A Wedding without Wine II. Jesus' Secret Command: Water from Purification Jars III. Miracle of Miracles: Water into Wine   Listen…

What is Man?

December 15, 2024
Sermon Points: I. Attributes: The Glory of God and the Cries of Infants II. Ascendancy: Celestial Bodies and the Human Body III. Authority: Mankind and the Created Order   Listen…
Sermon Points: I. True Wisdom is demonstrated by Works (verse 13) II. The Characteristics of a False, Worldly "Wisdom" (verses 14-16) III. The Characteristics of a True, Heavenly Wisdom (verses…
Sermon Points: I. Refuge for the Innocent (vs. 1-5) II. Judge of All People (vs. 6-9) III. Executioner of the Wicked (vs. 10-17)   Listen on Spotify:
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